Virtuous Circle Designs
Applied Sustainability
Research and design incubator for product innovations that
generate tangible positive returns for people and planet
A Virtuous Circle is a positive feedback loop whereby one desirable effect leads to another, which further promotes the first effect, maximizing the benefits to a system.

We help companies DO WELL by DESIGNING FOR GOOD
Your sustainability efforts can drive growth for your business by creating products and business operations that provide tangible positive returns to people, planet and place. In the world today, there are a lot of companies making noise about their sustainability efforts and “green” products rather than doing the work to make sure they are providing true value. Customers are seeking authentic brands they can trust, that are tackling issues they care about, in ways that are genuinely good for the environment. Truly sustainable product design is challenging and doesn’t happen by accident. It requires a comprehensive, life cycle thinking approach that balances environmental, social, and economic factors.
Virtuous Circle Designs applies a balanced life cycle thinking approach to sustainable design, but adds an additional dimension, Insights Research. It is this additional dimension that allows us to prioritize sustainable design options to ensure they resonate with customers and provide true value. It also allows us to uncover unique problem/solution opportunities that can enable products and business processes to create POSITIVE EXTERNALITIES in the community – offering visible demonstrations of business as a force for good. This sets into motion a positive feedback loop that allows business to DO WELL while DOING GOOD – a VIRTUOUS CIRCLE.

Maximizing Positive Returns
Our mission is to help clients build business processes and create products that demonstrate good stewardship and generate positive returns for people, planet and place, ultimately driving growth for business' intent on doing good.
Positives for People
Purpose-driven products. We conduct Customer Insights research to learn what sustainable design features are most desirable within specific product categories. This information helps product developers design with purpose and address social challenges in meaningful ways.
Positives for Planet
Reaching beyond sustainable. We use a product Life Cycle Approach to help product developers determine what design choice options would have the highest positive environmental returns and look for ways to implement zero waste, circular and regenerative business processes that can provide additional benefits to neighboring ecosystems and wildlife.
Positives for Place
Doing good while producing goods. We use Systems Modeling to explore opportunities to solve local challenges through business processes intentionally designed to meet a dual purpose, creating tangible value for the community while also sourcing/manufacturing/distributing goods.
"Goodness is the only investment that never fails."
~ Henry David Thoreau
Services Offered

Summary of Services
- Sustainability Consulting
- Product Design Workshops
- Customer Insights Research
- Innovation Lab
- Coming soon! Virtuous Circle Product Designs
- Stay tuned for new releases
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Virtuous Circle methods or would like to connect for a Free Initial Consultation, please give us a call or send us an email.